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Wolverine Wednesday: Is Michigan Better Than Rutgers?

If your like me, every Michigan fan has two sides of their brain. One side, thinks the only way for the Wolverines to get back in favor this weekend is to put up 100 on Rutgers. The other side, says could Michigan lose this game? Maybe there is a third side that says, when does basketball start?

That is the world we live in right now. Michigan's best player and current MVP through 3 games is its punter. Not good folks, lets look at some numbers:

Total Offense:
Michigan 116
Rutgers 120

Passing Offense:
Michigan 97
Rutgers 101

Rushing Offense:
Michigan 116
Rutgers 122

Total Defense:
Michigan 26
Rutgers 46

Passing Defense:
Michigan 5
Rutgers 12

Rushing Defense:
Michigan 89
Rutgers 92

So what do you think?