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Jim Harbaugh Week 6 Monday presser recap

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Jim Harbaugh had his Monday presser a short time ago. It was a relatively brief one, with a focus of questions on play-calling. Harbaugh told the reporters that hindsight is 20-20, it’s just something people do. If there’s a pass play that works, the perception is great job, if it doesn’t work, it’s a bad play, or if the 3rd down draw doesn’t work, there should have been a pass. This exchange went on a couple minutes with Harbaugh not pointing the finger at anyone, saying that they’ll evaluate everything (game film).


  • Wilton Speight out multiple weeks, not necessarily the year
  • Speight has “cracks in there”
  • Said Karan Higdon played well
  • Wants to learn from the film, will make corrections and improvements
  • “We had a ball game, stuff happens.