Tuesday saw the announcement of an alliance between the Big Ten, Pac-12 and ACC as it pertains to scheduling opportunities, working together on pertinent issues in college sports and more.
Everything you need to know about it can be summed up inside a statement that could have stood alone, but also needed an hour-long press conference for some reason.
The three conferences remain competitors in every sense but are committed to collaborating and providing thought leadership on various opportunities and challenges facing college athletics, including:
Student-athlete mental and physical health, safety, wellness and support
Strong academic experience and support
Diversity, equity and inclusion
Social justice
Gender equity
Future structure of the NCAA
Federal legislative efforts
Postseason championships and future formats
The alliance includes a scheduling component for football and women’s and men’s basketball designed to create new inter-conference games, enhance opportunities for student-athletes, and optimize the college athletics experience for both student-athletes and fans across the country.