This week, we discuss Michigan Basketball’s loss at home to MSU with each coach’s takeaways on the game and the state of the rivalry (0:00 to 32:30). We’re also joined by Adam Jaksa of Central Michigan Football’s broadcast team to discuss the transfer of DE Mike Danna to Ann Arbor and what he brings (32:30 to 51:55). Steve Fisher, Glen Rice, Sean Higgins, and Rob Pelinka speak about their memories of the 1989 National Title for the basketball program prior to the game against MSU on Sunday (51:55 to 1:10:13). Finally, we address a fan question about the OSU roadblock in football and how or when Michigan overcomes it (1:10:13 to 1:20:33).
Brewcast: What Mike Danna brings, memories from 1989’s Title team and MSU/U-M recap