It wasn't even a full week, TBIF (Thank Blue It's Friday -- you're all of our boy's, Blue).
In the Dean's List today, we have the NCAA ruining more fun and in general being narcissistic overlords. These guys suck. We also have Leanna Decker. That doesn't suck. At all.
Not sure how you can even read this with Leanna's totally-distracting hotness just to the right, but hey more power to you I guess. The Dean's List also has a pretty cool slideshow of the hardest hits in sports history, guaranteed to make you cringe in your chair (or couch, or bed hungover. Wherever you're reading this, you'll cringe). There's also some important advice about the ever-difficult task of breaking the ice and also what you should really do with facial hair.
Also, what the hell is this pitch?
Check out today's Dean's List to find out.
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- Dean Thompson
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