In yet another example of why sometimes athlete + technology = terrible, Denard Robinson's twitter account was just hacked and let's just say bitches be crazy:

DenardX Denard X
@LOVETeeKayOh stop being a follower sweety, you've been doing that since he was messing around with Ashley.

DenardX Denard X
To all of his followers, I wouldn't expect u to understand. I can be this & I can be that, but even your Idol knows the truth...

DenardX Denard X
@LOVETeeKayOh @HelloImCourtnee Lol, only because I speak the truth? wait, yet, you wanted Denard as well. Yes, he told me about you too.

DenardX Denard X
@HelloImCourtnee No, it's not honey but I'm sure everyone else does :)

DenardX Denard X
& TRUST me, who u are now, will NEVER be greater than who u USE to be! I thought I told u to never lose sight of who you were?

DenardX Denard X
Tell me, Denard's followers, how do you hurt someone who wanted nothing but the best for you and sacrificed pretty much everything?

DenardX Denard X
You WILL reap what you sew! and honestly, I can care less who sees this because you didn't give a DAMN whether you hurt me or not...

DenardX Denard X
You are nothing but a liar and a manipulator and I shall hope *they* don't think otherwise.What's done in the dark will ALWAYS come to light

DenardX Denard X
Hi. Yes, I hacked you lol. You are the most disgraceful person I have ever met in my entire life! You cheated on me our entire relationship!

DenardX Denard X
shout out to @mollyelizabetht for teaching me how to use twitter! #bestvolleyballplayerever
I think we can mark down this moment in history as the official end of Denard Robinson's twitter career. That said, I agree with this young lady on one point. I do hope Denard reaps what he sews because I would love a Michigan cardigan sweater knitted by our future Heisman winner. Can you imagine what we could do for charity if we began to auction off the mittens and scarves and pashminas that Denard allegedly sews? Bye bye juvenile diabetes. No need for the 5ks this spring.
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