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Enlightened Spartan 2024 Preview

Related Topics: Muddy Waters

Is this the official song for Michigan State this year? "Gouge Away"?...we can use a biblical performance by the Spartans this fall.

Well, Spartan fans. Here we are. 2024, bring it on. The one thing we can all agree on: we can only go UP. This is the 24th year the ES has published a Michigan State preview. I'm getting old.

It's interesting bringing in a new coach for the umpteenth time in my life (Daugherty, Stoltz, Muddy Waters, Perles, $aban, Williams, John L Smith, Dantonio, Tucker, now John A. Smith). I'm hopeful, and as the ES first predicted on October 6 of last year, Smith would leave his alma mater for greener pastures here in East Lansing.