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Basketball Nickname Results

Happy Friday everyone! Thank you to all who participated in this year’s nickname voting. Voting is now closed, and we have the winning aliases.

The incumbent nicknames mostly defended their spots, with one exception. And we have some new players on this year’s squad who now have their nom de guerre.

The nicknames that successfully won reelection are Jaden “Shakin’ Bakin’” Akins, Tre “Trey” Holloman, Jaxon “The Kohler Bear” Kohler, Jeremy “Nightmare” Fears, and Xavier “Stretch” Booker.

Coen Carr will no longer be known as “Carr-pe De-rim”. He is now “Flight 55”.

And again, these existing nicknames were unchallenged this year: Carson “Coop Deville” Cooper, Gehrig “Stormin’” Normand, and Nick “The Colonel” Sanders.