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Heat broadcaster nears last call with 1,100 games worth of ‘fun’ and ‘funny’ memories | Miami Herald

Of all moments he’s shared with play-by-play man Eric Reid as the lead color analyst for Miami Heat games over the last 15 years, the one Tony Fiorentino still laughs about to to this day could make you giggle and a little grossed out at the same time.

“Eric and I go into the arena [in Minnesota] and we’re getting ready to do the open [of the pregame show] and we’re sitting on our stools looking toward the stands and we see a kid sitting there and he’s eating an ice cream cone and a cookie and we’re thinking, ‘Man, he’s eating too much stuff,’ ” Fiorentino, 68, recalled Friday night before the Heat lost to the Knicks 122-98 at Madison Square Garden.