The "Is Rachel Nichols Hot" Debate?


There are many great debates in sports. AL or NL? Should college athletes be paid? Block or charge? Should instant replay be used?


All of the above are riveting, timeless arguments. All hold enormous importance and are the source of endless disagreements. However one sports debate clearly reigns supreme.


Is Rachel Nichols hot?



In my long, experienced history of judging sports women, no single woman has been the subject of more disagreement.


Certain women are no-brainers.



No one can deny Erin Andrews' beauty. Jenn Brown has already cemented her position as "the next Erin." I dare you to find someone who doesn't like Michelle Beadle. Conversely, when judging other unnamed sports women, the reviews are unanimously unfavorable.




But from a small sample size, consisting of friends, family, and anyone within earshot when Rachel Nichols comes on, I have concluded that reviews are closer to 50/50 than any other female sports personality.


Friendships have been jeopardized due to these disagreements. Yelling, cursing, and threatening remarks can all be heard when a serious Rachel


Nichols debate breaks out.


The great debate has become so large that actual athletes are weighing in. Check out Jason Swain, a former Tennessee wide receiver put in his ambiguous two cents on Nichols.



Even though Swain appears to sit on the fence, many people, myself included, take radical stances concerning Nichols, leaving those on the fence in danger of crossfire. The argument can basically be separated into two battling parties: PARN and RNL.


PARN, or People Against Rachel Nichols, despise Nichols in every way. When Nichols appears, they turn their seemingly aggrieved eyes away from the TV, and beg you to turn the channel. They can’t stand her uppity, cheesy segments. Her attempts at comedy are met with disdain from the PARN. These people have Red Fear, not of communism, but rather Nichols’ auburn hair. This radical group has clearly and loudly marked their stance in the Nichols debate. To dumb it down, they like Nichols about as much as Cleveland likes LeBron.


The RNL, or Rachel Nichols Lovers, however, have quite different views of Nichols. I myself am a card carrying member of the RNL. We RNL’ers have always been fans of Nichols individuality. She is not Erin Andrews or Jenn Brown, but the RNL realize that there are more than two good looking female sports reporters out there, and they don’t all have to be six foot blondes. The RNL also loudly voices their opinions via twitter, blogs, and other internet forums.


Is Rachel Nichols hot? - VOTE


The debate over Nichols is heated, divided, and far from over. I myself, have made up my mind, but realize that others may disagree.


But in great sports debates, disagreement is good. Do you and your friends ever want to stop arguing about Pete Rose’s chances at the hall of fame? No, and the same goes for Nichols. So argue away PARN and RNL. May the best side win.

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