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The Splash Zone 5/1/19: Josh Rosen Wants To Prove He Can Be A Franchise QB

It seems like everyone is talking about the Josh Rosen trade. Most seem to like it while there are a handful who just don’t agree with it. Rosen is out to prove the doubters wrong after a miserable rookie season after being drafted in the first round. The young, gifted quarterback gets a fresh start and a chance to prove he can be one of the best quarterbacks in the league.

You can check out that story here, and the rest of the day’s round-up below.

Dolphins' Josh Rosen says he can be franchise quarterback | Fox News
As he embraced a fresh start Monday, Josh Rosen said all the right things, smiled a lot and even cracked a couple of jokes, such as when he noted the phalanx of photographers nearly drowning out his first news conference with the Miami Dolphins.