Tonight’s Phinsider Question Of The Day is what are your thoughts of the NFL discussions of going to an 18 game schedule with only 2 pre-season games? I have also seen talk of expanding the playoffs, especially if they add more teams. I suspect that this is all about the long term goal of the NFL trying to make the league a year round experience. Two more teams per conference in the playoffs would mean one more round of playoffs if the NFL wanted to go that route, giving some teams two weeks off. An 18 game schedule, I assume, would also add another bye week per team making a now 17 week season a 20 week season and if you add the extra round to the playoffs you would wind up with 26 weeks of NFL football from start to finish as apposed to the 22 weeks we have now.
Phinsider Question Of The Day (W/ Live Thread, General Discussion) 01/26/2020