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Miami Dolphins Mock Draft Series - Part III and Out? Burrow Buying Time

With weeks away from the NFL Draft creating a wave of smokescreens, one massive cloud seems to be gaining steam as we head toward April. The Phin Maniacs Mock Draft Series continues with a "move-up," you could say, in the works based on news as recent as March 31st around noonish.

Before tooting my seashell-horn, the Miami Dolphins have now officially become "news" that they are interested in moving up to the number 1 overall pick, of course indicating they are enamored with Heisman winning quarterback from LSU, Joe Burrow.

Can’t say I didn’t see this coming when analyzing just how much capital they have to a) make the deal and b) still have several remaining picks, or simply, a standard for most NFL franchises following the selection of a potential franchise saving QB.