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Dolphins new hope quickly vanished with Patriots McDaniels return

Patriots defensive coordinator Matt Patricia and offensive coordinator Josh McDaniels were on their way out as head coaches for their new teams. Patricia was headed to Detroit as the new coach of the Lions and McDaniels was to unite with a high-quality Colts quarterback in Andrew Luck in Indianapolis– until late Tuesday.

McDaniels, after agreeing to terms with the Colts, backed out of his venture to receive the head coaching job when Patriots owner Robert Kraft sweetened his contract enticing him to stay with the Patriots, according to Adam Schefter.

The Patriots are happy, the Colts are angry, and the Dolphins are left playing against the ageless-wonder Tom Brady and one of the top offensive minds in football for the foreseeable future as McDaniels is now to undergo mentoring by head coach Bill Belichick on “roster constuction and salary-cap management”.