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Get To Know A Marquette Basketball Opponent: #6 Baylor

Related Topics: Baylor University, Anson Jones

Name: Baylor University

Location: Waco, Texas

Texas is big, help me out here: You could probably qualify Waco as in Central Texas, although it’s definitely in the eastern half of the state. It’s about halfway between Dallas and Austin, although I-35 tilts in a southwesterly direction as you make that drive.

Founded: 1845 is the official year of founding, although the planning for the school dates back as far as 1841. Texas President — yes, President, this was while Texas was an independent republic — Anson Jones signed the legislation required to allow the Union Baptist Association to create the university, but much like how Wong’s bestie Madisynn spells her name, Baylor wasn’t located where you think it is.