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Manchester United star Paul Pogba hits the bullseye with a shot on to a giant dartboard at club's training base

Paul Pogba has been showing off his ability to hit the target – in slightly unusual circumstances.

The Manchester United midfielder played a football-darts crossover, nailing the perfect shot with his final effort on a giant dartboard.

Taking part in an event with the Manchester United Foundation, Pogba lined up his dead-ball attempt and hit the bullseye in front of a group of schoolchildren watching on.

Paul Pogba stands in front of the giant dartboard which saw him hit the bullseye
Paul Pogba stands in front of the giant dartboard which saw him hit the bullseye
Manchester United midfielder Pogba showed off his accuracy to some local schoolchildren
Manchester United midfielder Pogba showed off his accuracy to some local schoolchildren

It was a typically accurate effort from the world's most-expensive footballer, an effort falling exactly where he wanted it – although not in typical circumstances.