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Licking and spanking a RAW CHICKEN, mocking Cristiano Ronaldo's sheep issue and admitting he was ready to attack Luis Suarez... Patrice Evra's most madcap moments since retiring after his Covid conspiracy claims

It is fair to say Patrice Evra has produced some outrageous soundbites and done some bizarre things since calling time on his football career.

The former defender won multiple trophies in his time as a left back for Manchester United, Juventus and France and is now starting to find his feet in the world of punditry.

But it is the strange statements and madcap moments that fans are becoming accustomed to seeing from Evra, not scathing opinions or searing analysis from the TV studio.

Patrice Evra has produced some outrageous soundbites and bizarre things since he retired

His latest odd episode came on Thursday when he revealed himself to be a Covid-sceptic in a controversial interview given to French TV.