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Manchester City boss Pep Guardiola set to call upon lesser known Raul Caneda ahead of Napoli clash

When Pep Guardiola plots Napoli’s downfall on Tuesday night, he’ll almost certainly make a call to Raul Caneda.

The name may not ring many bells, but Manchester City manager has the experienced Spanish coach on speed dial.

Caneda is one of Guardiola’s closest confidants; recruited by the Barcelona legend to work as external analyst with the particular remit of scouting City's Champions League opponents.

Pep Guardiola is certain to make a call to Raul Caneda this week ahead of facing Napoli
Pep Guardiola is certain to make a call to Raul Caneda this week ahead of facing Napoli
Caneda is one of Guardiolau00bfs closest confidants and helps scout out European opponents
Caneda is one of Guardiola’s closest confidants and helps scout out European opponents

Their relationship goes back years; the duo forming a close bond during their time working together at Mexican club Dorados in 2006.