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Seedy K’s Peerless Pigskin Prognostications: Week I

This universally acclaimed weekly feature, formerly available exclusively at, will now be posted each Wednesday (give or take a day) here at CardChronicle.

Welcome to 2018’s initial edition of the most heralded, empirically accurate astutely observed, literately rendered weekly college football prediction blog,

Welcome to Seedy K’s Peerless Pigskin Prognostications, based on an exclusive copyright-pending, scientifically formulated program of forecastination -- Predictionarium™. It is algorithim-free, gluten-free, sugar-free and free free.

Each week of the regular season in this space, intergalactically revered, college football authority Seedy K shares his expertise, providing in advance the sure winners of three major matchups, along with the victors of that weekend’s battles of the University of Louisville and University of Kentucky.