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D.C. restaurateur not a fan of Washington owner Dan Snyder (Shutdown Corner)

Restaurateur David Chang is a native of the Washington, D.C. area, and recently opened the first outpost of his Momofuku group.

This isn't a restaurant blog, of course, so that's not the best part of this story for our purposes.

As a native of Vienna, Va., Chang grew up a Washington fan and remains one today. But he's not at all a fan of owner Daniel Snyder.

A few years ago, Chang tweeted that he wanted to try to raise enough money through a Kickstarter campaign to buy the team from Snyder, and with Momofuku CCDC opening on Friday, we got a glimpse of just how committed Chang is to his dislike of Snyder:

If You Liked Momofuku before, Behold the Greatest Fortune Cookie of all timehttps://t.