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MLB News: Players Union Fires 2020 Season Proposal Back to Club Owners

The good news is that we have a counterproposal from the player’s union. The bad news is that we have no idea whether MLB ownership will view the plan as viable.

Jeff Passan of ESPN broke the news that on Sunday afternoon, the MLBPA submitted their offer to back to the owners. The details of the plan are outlined below, and the MLB season hangs in the balance. Terms of the counteroffer include:

  • A 114-game season that would end October 31
  • The right to opt-out of the season for all players
  • Potential deferral of salaries if 2020 the postseason were canceled
  • Two years of an expanded playoff format
  • The inclusion of potential deferrals by players would defer $100M total, and would be applied to players making $10M+ before proration.