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Gospel Of Stan Kasten Decrees Utley Signing Might Not Be Complete Off-Season Panacea

As we adjourn the Winter Meetings, with the Dodgers having done nothing of note while divisional rivals place big bets, one might think that the Dodgers are settled with merely their Chase Utley signing. Not so, sayeth Stan Kasten:

Bottom line

"The big picture is not complete yet." -- CEO Stan Kasten

And there you have it.

In the dead of winter, there's not much baseball to talk about. So we turn our gaze upon ourselves. Longtime readers of SoSG—hi Mom!—may recognize the individual styles of my esteemed colleagues, but for those who don't, here's a SoSG primer:

STEVE SAX: Saxy is prolific and thoughtful, and a bit more fond of puns and puzzles than most.