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Chargers Roster Breakdowns, 90-in-90: Brett Boyko

Related Topics: San Diego Chargers, Boykos

As a football fan, the period of May-July is the worst time of year. Nothing - and I mean nothing - happens outside of team practices (which are pretty cool to follow, but still). There's only so many times you can argue on social media about how good/bad the Chargers are going to be next year before it gets tedious and you start putting on highlights from the Chargers win over the Seahawks in 2014. For the sixth time. That week.

With that in mind, I'm going to be bringing you 90 articles in 90 days, with each day focusing on a different member of the Chargers 90 man roster - but the focus is less on the player's footballing history, and instead more of a personal look, focusing on the human behind the player.