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Comedian Chris Elliott is a dead ringer for Diamondbacks pitcher Merrill Kelly

Merrill Kelly is a late bloomer, not reaching the big leagues until at age 30 he became a fixture in the Arizona Diamondbacks starting rotation as a rookie.

Chris Elliott didn’t achieve leading man status as a comedic actor until at age 30 he displayed unbridled rambunctious energy in the comedy series “Get a Life!”

Kelly has gotten progressively better, going 25-16 with a sparkling 3.34 ERA over 63 starts the last two years and helping the Diamondbacks to the National League Championship Series this week.


Elliott also enjoyed progressively memorable and hilarious roles, as Nathaniel Mayweather in “Cabin Boy,” Woogie in “There’s Something About Mary,” and Rollin Schitt as the mayor of “Schitt’s Creek.