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MARTIN SAMUEL: The buck stops with UEFA and their staggering ineptitude... They have been selling out the real football family for years, lost sight of what is important for safety and cannot organise a big match

It was just after 3pm Paris time beneath the underpass. The security guards wanted to see my accreditation. I directed them to the signpost for the Accreditation Centre, told them it was in there. Logically, I couldn’t need accreditation to get to the Accreditation Centre. They let me through.

Then another of their number stopped me, agitated. He wanted my ID. Easy enough. And I was away. But I did think they seemed rather anxious for six hours before kick-off. This could be a pressure point when the real crush starts, I thought. And it was. The underpass was one of the many bottleneck approaches to the Stade de France where the crowd numbers, and the tension, built.