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Liverpool star Fabinho burgled while he celebrated Reds' Premier League title win at Anfield with his family on Wednesday night, with jewellery and an Audi stolen from his Formby home

The home of Liverpool midfielder Fabinho was burgled on Wednesday night as he celebrated the club's Premier League title win.

The Brazilian midfielder's home is believed to have been targeted while it was empty, with the break-in understood to have taken place sometime between 3pm on Wednesday afternoon and 4am on Thursday morning.

Police said a number of jewellery items were stolen in the Formby burglary, while a grey Audi RS6 was also taken and later discovered and recovered in the Wigan area.

The home of Liverpool midfielder Fabinho was burgled as he celebrated the Reds' title win
The incident took place some time during the Brazil international's involvement at Anfield

It's believed the thieves entered his home while the 26-year-old was at Anfield celebrating the club lifting the Premier League trophy for the first time following their 5-3 victory against Liverpool.