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Jurgen Klopp swaps Anfield for the bowling green as he tries his hand at bowls with three Liverpool fans

Liverpool boss Jurgen Klopp is known for his rambunctious, 'heavy metal' approach to football and life in general.

But the German seemed to fancy a change of pace during the international break as he visited his local bowling green in Formby to play a game of bowls with three elderly Liverpool fans for LFCTV.

Klopp was greeted at the green by chairman of the Holy Trinity bowling club, Eric, and spoke about how a trip to Luton when he was 16 made him aware of the sport.

Liverpool boss Jurgen Klopp used the international break to try his hand at bowls
Liverpool boss Jurgen Klopp used the international break to try his hand at bowls
The affable German teamed up with Liverpool fan Lesley for a game of bowls in Formby
Klopp's first throw at the Holy Trinity bowling club did not bring much success
Klopp's first throw at the Holy Trinity bowling club did not bring much success
The 49-year-old could not implement his favoured gegenpressing style of play at the green
Klopp became aware of bowls as a teenager when he was on a school exchange in Luton
Klopp became aware of bowls as a teenager when he was on a school exchange in Luton

'I got attracted to this game when I was 16 and had a school exchange in.