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Don't just blame antivaxxers, there's a perfect storm behind the measles outbreak now engulfing Britain, writes DR ELLIE CANNON

If there’s something learned from the Covid pandemic, it’s that there is no one single factor that causes a public health mess.

I’d say we were heading into one again with the measles outbreak, but in truth many of the problems behind it are longstanding and that’s why we’re here.

Firstly, it’s NOT just due to anti-vaxxers, as some might claim. Yes, vaccine hesitancy, and downright distrust of experts plays a role, but that isn’t the only thing to blame.

In truth, there are myriad reasons behind the impending surge. Here’s what I think…

Doctors don’t know what measles looks like

I’ve been a doctor for 22 years mostly as a GP, but also in paediatrics.