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Ashley Dale's killers are set to be sentenced for the murder of council worker with Skorpion sub-machine gun at her home to 'send a firm message' to her boyfriend in gang feud

Related Topics: Joseph Peers, Lee Harrison

Four men will be sentenced today for the murder of 28-year-old council worker Ashley Dale, who was gunned down with a Skorpion sub-machine gun in her own home to 'send a firm message' to her boyfriend in a petty gang feud.

Ms Dale was killed when gunman James Witham, 41, forced his way into the house in Old Swan, Liverpool, in the early hours of August 21 last year, and opened fire with a Skorpion submachine gun.

Witham, who had admitted manslaughter, and co-defendants Joseph Peers, 29, Niall Barry, 26 and Sean Zeisz, 28, were found guilty of murder on Monday after a seven-week trial at Liverpool Crown Court.