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Matt Jones calls Clay Travis’ claims that Calipari pays players “irresponsible,” “shameful”

Related Topics: Clay Travis, John Calipari

Last week, . This afternoon, Bo Mattingly asked our own Matt Jones to come on his show and respond to Clay’s comments, and Matt obliged. As you would expect, Matt ripped Clay a new one for his accusations, calling him the “Donald Trump of sports radio”:

“He says things solely, solely to get attention, and it worked,” Matt said. “He’s like, in my opinion, the Donald Trump of sports radio; just say something, throw it out there, act like people have to listen to it, then deal with it. I think it’s ridiculous.”

Matt then broke down why, as a national media member with a huge following, it was extremely irresponsible for Clay to state that Calipari pays players as a fact rather than an opinion.