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Landon Young gets emphatic endorsement from NFL Draft analyst

Former Wildcat captain and First-Team All-SEC lineman Landon Young joined Jimmy Williams, an NFL Draft analyst for Draft Diamonds, for an exclusive interview ahead of the big event later this month.

Young covers a lot of ground, discussing everything from a wrestling state title he earned his senior year of high school to overcoming the torn meniscus he suffered his junior season at UK.

Other topics the two talk about are Young’s relationship with coach John Schlarman, his charitable efforts and favorite hobbies, as well as the reason he loves football. It’s a great glimpse into one of the grittiest and most well-respected offensive linemen to grace the Mark Stoops era, and Williams was so impressed by Young he tweeted this emphatic endorsement following the interview:

I just got finished interviewing @UKFootball OT Landon Young, and all I have to say is that the team that drafts him will be getting an incredible athlete, team leader, and a man of excellent character that can represent your franchise well and give back to the community.