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KSR Show Thread, 5/19: Live from Floyd's 99 Barbershop in Lexington

Related Topics: Lexington

Kentucky Sports Radio is at my favorite barbershop in town, Floyd’s 99 Barbershop on South Broadway in Lexington, for Friday’s radio broadcast. Come join us at 561 South Broadway, Suite 155 for half-off haircuts during the show, plus Penn Station for lunch and the live KSR and KSR Preshow broadcasts.

If you can’t make it today, say my name or KSR at any of Floyd’s 99’s three Lexington locations for a 50% discount on your first-time visit.

On today’s show, we’re celebrating Cutter Boley’s decision and more as we head into a new weekend.

Join the conversation by phone at (859) 280-2287 or send a text directly to Matt Jones’ phone at (772) 774-5254.