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History of the Kentucky Wildcats: The Wildcat

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Our former writer, Darren, concocted this article about the history of the Wildcat for the Kentucky Wildcats.

As part of education, the second part of our History of Kentucky Wildcats, Wildcat Blue Nation presents: The Wildcat.

The Wildcat will turn 103 this October, marking a tradition at Kentucky that dates back to 1909 and a football game against Illinois.

The legend according to, involve a little poetic license, but says that “Commandant Philip W. Corbusier”, a grizzly man sporting a fine white moustache that would make Tom Selick green with envy, stood stately with his hands firmly grasping his decorated military green blazer, back-lit by the rays of light cast through a century old stained glass window while telling “a group of students in a chapel service following the game that the Kentucky football team had “fought like Wildcats” and as the final words passed his lips, the organs rang heavenly notes, sirens from nearby fire stations went off without being wound, and doves flapped out of the bell towers gracefully.