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Coach Chris Mack adds fuel to fire of Kentucky-Louisville basketball rivalry

By his own reckoning, Chris Mack’s manifesto required five or six takes.

It must have been hard to get through it without laughing, what with all the sarcastic shots at Kentucky basketball coach John Calipari.

“Good acting skills,” Mack explained.

And it might have been better had Mack resisted the temptation to share it on social media, what with Calipari’s continued dominance of Mack’s University of Louisville Cardinals.

But share it he did, at 6:08 p.m. Tuesday via Twitter, and as of 4 p.m. Wednesday, the viral video had been retweeted 6,500 times. Reigniting a rivalry rarely in need of fresh fuel, Mack painted Calipari as disingenuous, overly demanding and at least slightly devious.