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Travis Britz, Will Geary are anchors for Kansas State’s defensive line

MANHATTAN — There aren’t a lot of soft edges when it comes to Kansas State assistant coach Mo Latimore.

He is a direct, straightforward man. Coaching the Wildcats’ interior defensive line lends itself to that.

So when he pays a compliment, take it to heart.

Travis Britz and Will Geary, are you listening?

“They’re kind of what you build for, to get in a position where you have experienced guys out there,” Latimore said. “And that’s what those two are. They’re both good players, they’re both doing a great job.”

Now that the touchy-feely stuff is out of the way, let’s get down to brass tacks: If K-State is going to have any success up front this season, it will have to start with Britz and Geary at the defensive tackle spots.