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Tracking Potential Head Coach Candidates for KU Football - Week 1

As requested by the commentariat, I’ve put together a list of most of the potential head coaching candidates that we discussed here at RCT during the offseason. You can find the links to those articles here.

What follows is a list of 24 candidates. Obviously, some are more likely than others, but I won’t be trying to judge their potential interest in KU (or vice versa).

Names you won’t find: Bret Bielema, Les Miles, Todd Graham. These guys are currently unemployed and won’t be winning or losing any football games this fall.

Tracking KUFBall Coaching Candidates

Name Age Position School Salary Buyout 2018 Last Week
Name Age Position School Salary Buyout 2018 Last Week
Major Applewhite 40 HC Houston 1.