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Podcast: Revisiting 2007-08 Kansas Football and a Tennis Update

Related Topics: Fetch, Clearnet, David, Stitcher, Spotify

Today isn’t the episode that I had planned. I had recorded an episode with Fetch about the Kansas Basketball team, the departures and the returnees, and looking at grad transfers. Unfortunately, it’s apparently time to upgrade my microphone, so that audio is not usable.

So instead, we are going to start our series where we revisit the 2007-2008 Kansas Football team. I was joined by Grad, Mike and David in the first summer of the podcast, but the discussion here is still just as relevant today.

Also, it’s been brought to my attention that there are certain people rating the podcast poorly out of spite, so if you could do me a favor and go give me an honest rating on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher or Spotify, I would appreciate it.