Last month, we started sign ups for the SB Nation CFB Top 25, a new project by our network to get the fan’s picks for the top teams in the nation. The first edition is here, and here are the results.
Other teams receiving votes: Washington State, Syracuse, Boise State, Stanford, Army, Virginia, Mississippi State, Oklahoma State, Minnesota
First, looking through the individual team site data, I found quite a few instances of sites inflating their own team’s ranking over the national data. Some extreme examples:
College And Magnolia - put Auburn 14th vs National ranking of 18th
Our Daily Bears - put Baylor 23rd vs National ranking of Unranked
Black Heart Gold Pants - put Iowa 14th vs National ranking of 19th
And The Valley Shook - put LSU 5th vs National ranking of 10th
State Of The U - put Miami 18th vs National ranking of 22nd
The Only Colors - put Michigan State 17th vs National ranking of 23rd
Good Bull Hunting - put Texas A&M 6th vs National ranking of 11th
CougCenter - put Washington State 16th vs National ranking of ARV.