Greg Walker returns to the show, alongside Jacob Milham and Jeremy Greco for a very unique episode. From Logan Porter’s MLB debut to which bullpen and offense are actually the worst, the Kansas City Royals are all over this episode yet not at all. Godspeed listener, godspeed. No ads in this episode either, you don’t need that mess.
You can follow the team on Twitter with Jeremy Greco at u2060u2060u2060@hokiusu2060u2060u2060, Jacob Milham at u2060u2060u2060@JacobMilhamKCu2060u2060u2060, and Greg Walker at u2060u2060u2060@Gregnotcregu2060u2060u2060. Follow the podcast itself on Twitter at u2060u2060@RoyalRundownPodu2060u2060.