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Hok Talk: So let’s talk about Jorge Soler

A few weeks ago I took a lot of flak in this space for giving Jorge Soler a C on his midterms. If you think I’m going to back down, you can think again. To that point in the season, he had earned a C. But there definitely remains a chance for him to earn a significantly higher grade on the final if keeps up what he’s been doing since then.

Before I talk too much about what’s changed about Soler since the All-Star Break let’s go ahead and mention all of the categories he has set career highs in already this season:

  • Games played
  • At-Bats/Plate Appearances
  • Hits
  • Home runs
  • Runs scored
  • RBIs
  • Doubles
  • Walks
  • Strikeouts

While that list does look impressive it’s important to realize that all of that is due almost entirely to the first entry on the list which is due almost entirely to him being healthy for the entire season up to this point.