Every week, Iowa's opponent just so happens to wear the worst uniforms we've ever seen.
WHAT. ARE. THOzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
If the United States government commissioned a fifty-billion dollar study to find the most boring color combination humanly possible, they'd come up with this blue and this gold. I can't think of a more forgettable uniform than Pitt's in the history of uniforms and Pittsburghs.
I call it "this blue and this gold" because Pitt never actually bothered to give their boring-ass colors a name. You can look through their 113 pages of bloated dreck about how important their brand is—they spend multiple paragraphs of this specifically targeted business document talking about how colors are neat—and literally never do they mention precisely why Pitt uses this precise blue and this precise gold, or name them as certain shades of the colors like "victory gold" or "pride blue" or some other cursory dumb crap athletic departments do.