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Roundtable Discussion: How do Big Ten coaches treat their yards?

You know Mike Woodson, head coach of Indiana men’s basketball.

But do you know Mike Woodson, owner of the prestigious neighborhood “yard of the month” award? That’s right, Woodson is a yard guy and now we’re able see that yard in all its well-kept glory.

The yard, clean and pristine, requires no description.

This, clearly, is the most well-maintained yard in the Big Ten Conference, other yards shy away at its presence. But how do coaches like Fran, Izzo and others treat their yard? Let’s discuss.

Brad Underwood


Underwood’s yard is probably a weird case, there’s probably room for some sort of hand-to-hand combat ring to simulate the Pizza Hut parking lot brawls of his youth that he brings up whenever he gets the chance.