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Sunday Night Food Thread (SNiFT): February 21, 2016

Related Topics: Beef noodle soup, Pho

I, uh... am not a good cook. At least not when compared to foodies like Capt. Ron, bfd and the like. But I do enjoy eating food, and tonight I want to talk to y'all (as I have many times before) about one of my favorite delicacies in the entire known universe. Pho. Pho. PHO. It's a Vietnamese beef noodle soup dish that's highly customizable. A typical pho restaurant will have upwards of 10 different varieties of pho, but the basic beef/noodle combination is a constant.

I've been wanting to make my own pho for a long time now -- mainly because I recently looked at how much of my money goes to pho restaurants -- but the recipe is quite daunting.