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Here’s five things to watch for when the Texans play the Rams.

I tried to warn you last week. I opened up my heart and let it all seep out onto you. I am completely drained and have nothing left to give, and what did you do? You did the exact thing I warned you not to do. You watched the Texans play the Rams. You wasted three and a half hours of your life. Was it worth it? I know it wasn’t. You willingly sat and watched Tom Savage barely scrap past 5 yards an attempt, TY Hilton get back up and run in for a touchdown, Eddie Pleasant being the best source of a pass rush, Kevin Johnson get picked and plucked again, Lamar Miller run the ball up the middle a lot, and have it all culminate in a beautiful Tom Savage strip sack at the hands of Jabaal Sheard who vandalized Duane Brown’s vacated home.