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Delayed reaction on the Houston Rockets’ new alternate uniforms and a rant in general

Related Topics: Kevin Durant, Dildo, Gold, Clyde Drexler

The new alternates look pretty fresh but I need to see them photoshopped onto Kevin Durant until I can make a decision.

— RedNinetyFour (@RedNinetyFour) September 16, 2015

Cliffs: They killed it on the black, but I’m not sure what they were thinking on the other two.

The ketchup and mustard works, conceptually, especially with the classic ‘Clutch City’ theme, but the obtrusive sleeves kill off any good will the design would have gotten from me. I mean, really. Why sleeves? Why overcomplicate a good thing? At the end of the day, people just want–have been clamoring for–the f****** old school gold and red threads.