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The North Carolina Cheesehead Banner Has Been Replaced

Mike Dobs’ North Carolina Cheeseheads banner has been replaced by the Carolina Panthers. A new banner was made Monday and shipped to Dobs, according to the organization.

You’ll recall that gigantic child and all-around fuckwad, Cam Newton, tore the banner from Dobs’ hands prior to last week’s match-up with the Green Bay Packers.

After the game, Newton explained by saying something like, “Me no like banner. Me protect house. Me take football, go home!”

Frankly, we don’t really care about the banner itself. We just think it’s pretty shitty that someone forks out probably several thousand dollars to bring his family to the game, has that experience ruined by someone who plays for the home team and then that organization only replaces what was rightfully his to begin with.