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Randall Cobb focused, fearless in pursuit of Super Bowl ring

Green Bay — The night before the NFC Championship Game at Seattle, in the team hotel, Green Bay Packers receiver Randall Cobb was in considerable pain. The stabbing sharpness in his core wouldn't subside. He couldn't eat. He couldn't drink.

"It was one of those deals where you can't really move," said Cobb.

The Packers took him to an area hospital for observation and tests, and when it was determined it was not appendicitis, they brought him back to the hotel, mystified by what was wrong with their star receiver.

With little fuel or fluids that January night — essential for elite athletic performance, especially at the end of a long and grueling season — Cobb still turned in an impressive performance against the Seahawks the next day, leading all receivers with seven catches, for 62 yards and one touchdown.