Panthers take group photo
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Panthers take group photo
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Can't-Miss Play: Can't crack Gabbert under pressure
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ue008Panthers take group photo
Panthers take group photo
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ue008Can't-Miss Play: Can't crack Gabbert under pressure
49ers Blaine Gabbert finds Anquan Boldin under pressure for 27-yard gain
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ue00849ers Quinton Patton breaks tackle for 33-yard gain
49ers Quinton Patton breaks tackle for 33-yard gain
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ue00849ers deflect punt to keep game going
49ers Dontae Johnson deflects punt and Jimmie Ward recovers to keep game going
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ue008Silver: Browns players weren't 'wowed' by staff
NFL Media Columnist Michael Silver discusses the attitude from players in Cleveland as the Browns fire head coach Mike Pettine.