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Packers vs. Eagles Preseason 2017: Game Time, TV Broadcast, Online Streaming, & More

Related Topics: sports season, Game Time

It’s always a fun day when I get to write the first Game Primer article of a new season. That day is today, the eve of the Green Bay Packers’ preseason opener for the 2017 season. This week’s game sees the Packers kicking off the preseason schedule with an NFC East opponent, a team that has developed some familiarity with the Packers in recent years. This will be the fifth straight year that the two teams have played each other in either the regular season (2013, 14, 16) or preseason (2015, 17).

Fans around Wisconsin and the Midwest will be able to watch the game on local TV, as well as displaced Packers fans in east and central Pennsylvania.