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Cheesehead Origins: Big B Makes a Big Splash as a Teen in the Packers Fandom

Profiling our youngest fan yet in the Cheesehead Origins series.

Welcome to Cheesehead Origins, an offseason series geared toward showcasing Packer fans with interesting fandom origin stories! CheeseheadTV is devoted to Packer fans worldwide, and we want to hear (and share) your stories.


So far, the entirety of the Cheesehead Origins series has focused on adults of all ages and their stories of how they came to be fans of the Green Bay Packers. We’ve touched a lot in particular on childhood experiences and the effect they had on burgeoning fandom.

I thought it would be cool, then, to talk to someone who actually is still a child (technically), and to see how their fandom has grown and influenced without the same amount of life experience and while they’re still in their formative years of fandom.